Rabu, 06 April 2011

Certificate Seminar Capital Markets

Capital markets or capital markets is an activity as the market in general. Only in capital markets activities of the meeting between the owners of capital and those in need of capital, with the mediation of a broker or securities brokers. Owners of capital are those who have the capital or the party or commonly known as some investors, while in need of capital is a company or a party to sell shares, bonds or other capital market instruments.
Financial instruments traded in capital markets such as stocks, bonds, warrants, rights, convertible bonds, and various derivative products (derivatives) like option (put or call). Because the stock market is a market of long-term financial instruments, have a very important role for the economy of a country. The capital market is said to have a functioning economy since the stock market provides the facility or vehicle that is of interest that bring together two parties who have excess funds (investors) and those who need the funds (issuer / issuer).
As a meeting of owners of capital and those in need of capital, practically no funds in the stock market represents funds that can be said to be a low cost fund. The funds are to be cheap, because the owners of capital in a capital market activity in distributing the funds to redeem some of the funds held with a number of shares. Practical by buying these shares, the owners of capital (investors) do not impose interest on the capital provided to the issuer / issuer. In other words, investors become shareholders (owners of the company). As the owner means the investor to deposit funds equal to the number of its shares. Because of its capital contribution, thus the company has become very cheap, because there is no obligation to return the funds already paid. So is the return in the form of interest, absolutely nothing. So the funds raised from investors was really cheap, and can be optimally developed to run perusahaan.Pengembalian operations to shareholders later in the form of dividends, or stock price meningkatknya or commonly referred to as capital gains (the difference between the purchase price with the selling price).
The capital market is said to have financial functions, because the capital market provides the possibility and opportunity to obtain benefit (return) to the owner of the funds, according to the characteristics of the selected investment. So the stock market is expected to be increased economic activity due to capital market financing is an alternative for companies to increase corporate revenue and ultimately bring prosperity for the wider community. In other words generally benefit from the existence of capital markets is:
1. Provide a source of financing (long term) to the business world as well as enabling an optimal allocation of funds.
2. Provide a variety of investment vehicles for investors to allow for diversification. Alternative investments provide the potential benefits to the level of risk that can be calculated.
3. Is a leading indicator for the development of a country's economy.
4. The spread of ownership of the company until the middle layers of society.
5. The spread of ownership, openness and professionalism create a healthy business climate and encourage the use of professional management.

Capital Market Instruments
Capital markets have a variety of products that could become an investment option for investors. Investment products that we know today, among others, shares, bonds and derivative products such as warrants, rights, options and mutual funds. Each product has investment characteristics that differ from each other. Stocks for example, is a proof or a sign of ownership or possession of any person or entity within a company or limited company. The realization of shares in the form of a sheet of paper that explains who the owner. However, the present system have been started scripless Indonesia Stock Exchange where the form of ownership is no longer in the form of sheet stock that is named the owner but have a account on behalf of the owner or without paper stock. So the settlement will be more quickly and easily. Shares or equity securities which is already much known to the public.
Stocks have the right products and derivatives such as warrants. These derivative products are always attached to the parent product. For example the right to buy shares or ordinary first is named with a rights issue or obtained the right to buy stock at a certain price at a certain time commonly referred to as warrants. While the bonds are debt instruments issued by a company. Letters of credit in the capital markets are debt securities with maturities of more than a year, and debentures must be obtained from the company's rating or the rating assigned ratings.
Other capital market products are mutual funds. Mutual funds are collective investment contract made between investment managers (investment managers) to investors. Mutual fund is an investment unit that was formed with a specific purpose. Mutual funds are derived from mutual vocabulary, which means guard or maintained and funds means money or money collection. So, a mutual fund can be defined as a collection of funds that are kept together for an interest. Referring to Law No. 8 of 1995, a mutual fund is a container that is used to raise funds from public investors to be invested in portfolio securities by the Investment Manager.
Buying mutual funds no different than saving. The difference a letter can not be traded to save the sign, whereas mutual funds can be traded. Investment units that can be sold back to the mutual fund investment manager called the open (open end). The reverse is a closed fund (closed end), ie, a mutual fund that can only be sold to other investors through the secondary market. Most mutual funds are now shaped open mutual funds. With a variety of investment products that are increasingly varied as a means of making capital markets and investment vehicles from day to day more complete. Investors have many choices of products that could become a means of investment which must be adjusted with its investment objective. So also for the parties need capital (issuer), the product can be sold to investors can be more varied. In addition to the shares, issuer or the issuer can sell the bonds or it could be a combination of stocks with bonds or bonds with specific options. IDX ( Indonesian Stock Exchange ).

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